I think this year I will resize the beds. I originally planned to use landscaping timbers to contain the beds but I never found what I wanted at a reasonable price. At this point I think inexpensive, rough-cut boards will be just fine and the smaller dimensions will make it possible to add another bed on each side.
Now I'm just hoping that the spring weather will give me a chance to get the prep work done in time to do an early planting of favas, rapa, radishes and such.
Meanwhile the flying squirrel made another appearance downstairs a couple weeks ago. It found the sunflower seed jug and I was able to get very close and watch it before I finally scooped it up into the jug and took it back to the attic. Now I'm leaving some seeds in the attic in the hope that the squirrels will be more likely to stay up there until spring. I can see the last years of my life looking like a scene from "Grey Gardens".
The problem is that I know the last dog we had would have torn the house apart if a squirrel had gotten in so we haven't gone any further in adopting a dog. I'm so disappointed that I haven't even been able to check the website to see if Candy is still available.
2/14 Candy was adopted a week ago. I hope she has a wonderful new home.