Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Cost Of Doing Business

How have we come to accept thousands of deaths every single day as just an additional cost of doing business in a pandemic? 

I'll guess it's years of practice ignoring the death and destruction the US perpetrates worldwide to keep our gas tanks full of cheap gas, the military industrial complex humming, the stock market soaring, the stadiums full?

It's just a few more voices in the churning ambient chorus of suffering we already tune out, much like with gun violence or unnecessary deaths due to the cost of healthcare or the thousands our military kills around the world. Many of us, even the “good ones” like you and me, already do that in a way or else how would we manage to function on a daily basis? How do you get up and measure out the coffee and heat up the water and poke your stupid face into the fridge for a nice piece of fruit every morning without pretending if at least for a while that no one is dying just beyond your doorstep?