Friday, January 30, 2009
Dug Out
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Lisette would have been my godmother if my family had gone in for that sort of thing. She was a very pretty Belgian war bride who married one of the men in my parents' army unit and she laughed more than anyone at her language mix-ups. She was also the 'craftiest' person I've ever known and she made, among many things I treasure, my favorite throw.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
The Payoffs

For one thing I've been transfixed, on more than one occasion, by the amazing clarity of some of the television images we've gotten with the digital signals, even on our old analog TV. Although I have no real interest in American football, the game where a foot rarely touches a ball, I watched a good part of a game on Sunday (I can't even remember who was playing–no, wait, was it Tennessee and Baltimore?) just because the picture was so incredibly clear and detailed.
But the real treat I'm getting with DTV is a new channel from our PBS station. It's almost ironic but last week I watched a couple of delightful Jacque Pépin programs that made me painfully nostalgic for the time when people valued simplicity.
As for the new computer, I found a little perk that's made the whole business a lot less frustrating. When I installed the new version of Firefox I took some time to look at the add-ons and discovered "Foxmarks" which I immediately downloaded. I was then able to do the same thing on the iMac and presto! all my bookmarks (I'm not admitting how many) are synchronized between the two computers and even with my account on The Mister's PowerBook.
The real benefit of all this however, has been the distraction it has provided me as I've been trying to avoid the news these past weeks. Between the destruction of Gaza and Obama filling his administration with Clinton right-of-center retreads, I might otherwise have thrown myself in front of a bus by now.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Keepin' Warm
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Tyranny of Technology
The past month has been dominated by the tyranny of technology. I love my 6-year-old iMac and it works just fine but it's no longer supported by Apple and the list of things I can't do with it keeps growing. As I was trying to decide about something new before the end of '08, Mozilla informed me that they were no longer supporting my version of Firefox so I took that as a sign.
I still can't believe Apple can't/won't rebuild my iMac and that they generate so much e-waste but at least I've been able to avoid another integrated machine this time with the MacMini. That still however has lead to more decisions about a display, keyboard & mouse, speakers and an inordinate amount of time on the phone upgrading & reorganizing the phone & DSL service.
Meanwhile there's been the digital television rigamaroll: the coupons, the converter boxes, the discovery that the antenna has to be on the other side of the living room in order to get the fragile, finicky signals and then there's no way to record anything on the VCR because all the channels are now three digit numbers! All this so we can get the same lousy programming plus three or four versions of weather radar.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A Slow Fade
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A Small Loss
I had a bit of a meltdown. I'm practically labile these days. On the surface life around me seems to continue unchanged and people seem blithely unconcerned about the things that leave me paralyzed for longer and longer chunks of time.
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