A Cooking Life
Jaune Flammé
Chianti Rose
Mortgage Lifter
Paul Robeson
Black Zebra
San Marzano 3
Brown Berry and Brown Cherry
Isis Candy and Bi-Color Cherry
Sun Gold
Super Snow White
Green Grape
Sugar Sweetie
The first seeds have arrived and they are of course, tomato seeds. The fresh seeds, the new (for me) varieties make me believe that I might just rekindle my enthusiasm for the garden.
I'm finally going to try Stupice and Mortgage Lifter along with Paul Robeson and Chianti Rose, Sun Gold and a different brown cherry, Brown Berry. It seems strange not to be growing Brandywine and Black Krim after all these years but they are more available at the Farmers' Market so I may as well grow something different.
additional varieties as of 2/18: Marmande, Costoluto Fiorentino, Ramapo, Power's Heirloom, Djena Lee's Golden Girl, Tigerella