My old Salter kitchen scales (an older version of this model) had been behaving erratically for some time when I finally tried to beat it into submission. After that, all it displayed was "E".
I still had the box and the instructions but no receipt to determine if it was still covered by the ten year warranty. Regardless I was willing to pay to have it repaired rather than throw it away so I called Taylor/Salter in Las Cruces, New Mexico, of all places.
A lovely woman assured me that I could send my old scales to Las Cruces and they would send me a replacement. She told me they were no longer making my model and they would send whatever model I wanted if I put a note in with the old scales.
So now I have a fabulous new set of scales with several advantages over the old one, primarily sealed buttons where dust and dirt can't collect.
Thank you, thank you Salter. Friends and family should be warned they will getting Salter scales whenever the occasion merits.