Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Cheap Entertainment on Two Acres

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Too Much Too Soon
Friday, November 5, 2010
Beer Week!

Monday 6:30pm-9:00pm
station #1
The Imaginary Farmer (Hamilton, NY)
food: Elm Oyster Mushroom Bisque
Brewery Ommegang (Cooperstown, NY)
beer: Hennepin
station #2
Critz Farms (Cazenovia, NY)
food: Pumpkin Spatzel with Beurre Noir
Empire Brewing Company (Syracuse, NY)
beer: Critz’s Pumpkin Ale
station #3
Back Forty Elk Farm (Deruyter, NY)
food: Elk Chili
Brooklyn Brewery (Brooklyn, NY)
beer: Local One
station #4
Meadows Kobe Beef Farm (Cazenovia, NY)
Open Roast Beef Tenderloin Sandwiches
Empire Brewing Company (Syracuse, NY)
beer: Downtown Brown Ale
station #5
Emmi’s Farm (Syracuse, NY)
food: Root Vegetable, Fresh Herb & Sheep Milk Cheese Empanadillas
Empire Brewing Company (Syracuse, NY)
beer: Deep Purple
staion #6
Brick Farm (Cazenovia, NY)
food: Creole Deviled Eggs
Southern Tier Brewing Company (Lakewood, NY)
beer: Phin & Matt’s Extraordinary Ale
station #7
Meadowood Farms (Cazenovia, NY)
Foot Hill Hops Farm (Munnsville, NY)
food: Grilled Lamb Sausage w/ Hop Mustard
Empire Brewing Company (Syracuse, NY)
beer: Empire State Pale Ale
station #8
e-Garden (Cazenovia, NY)
food: Grilled Caribbean Jerk Chicken
Empire Brewing Company (Syracuse, NY)
beer: IPA (India Pale Ale)
station #9
Drover Hill Farm (Earlville, NY)
food: Smoked Bacon wrapped Medallions of Pork
Empire Brewing Company (Syracuse, NY)
beer: Cream Ale
station #10
Kimberly’s Ice Cream (Cazenovia, NY)
food: Belgian Chocolate, Stout, Beer Nuts & Chocolate Covered Pretzel Ice Cream
Empire Brewing Company (Syracuse, NY)
beer: Black Magic Stout
station #11
Jewett’s Cheese (Earlville, NY)
food: Selection of Aged Cheddar Cheese
Primo & Mary’s Heritage Products (Cazenovia, NY)
food: Chips & Salsa
Ithaca Beer Company (Ithaca, NY)
beer: Cold Front
station #12
Thorpe’s Apiary (Cazenovia, NY)
food: Sliced Apple, Walnut & Wild Flower Honey
Empire Brewing Company (Syracuse, NY)
beer: Skinny Atlas Kölsch
station #13
Meadowood Farm (Cazenovia, NY)
e-Garden (Cazenovia, NY)
food: Belted Galloway Slider w/ Heirloom Tomato Ketchup & Pretzel Roll
Empire Brewing Company (Syracuse, NY)
beer: Amber Ale
station #14
Sweet On Chocolate (Syracuse, NY)
food: Hefe-Weizen Chocolate Truffle
Empire Brewing Company (Syracuse, NY)
beer: Empire Hefe-weizen
Sweet On Chocolate (Syracuse, NY)
food: Wailing Wench Dark Chocolate Truffle
Middle Ages Brewing Company (Syracuse, NY)
beer: Wailing Wench
eat where you live™
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
An Irish Lass
I would so love to have a Dexter cow.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The Poor Fox
On Thursday I was filling feeders when I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. The grass hadn't been mowed for a couple of weeks so the undersized fox was almost hidden in the middle of the yard. It saw me but didn't show any signs of aggression. It was spending most of its time scratching and licking.
A police officer came out and gave me the lowdown on how they handle these situations (they don't actually do anything unless someone gets attacked) and then he approached the fox, clapping his hands. The fox reluctantly moved away toward the treeline eventually making its way around the house. I saw it go between the garages before I left to do some errands so I was careful to close the door between the garage bay and the cottage.
When I got home I pulled into the garage and closed the door right away so the fox couldn't get in. Neither of us opened the garage again until The Mister came home yesterday evening and discovered the fox had apparently been inside when I pulled in over 24 hours earlier.
I feel so bad. The fox is already terribly debilitated with what appears to be sarcoptic mange and then I shut it in the garage for more than a day.
The fox made its way across the road and I ran over to the neighbors to tell them not to hurt it, that there wasn't any indication it was rabid.
Poor, poor fox. I wonder if it made it through the night...
15 August - The Mister saw the remains of the fox yesterday a short distance down the road. It appeared to have died quickly when it was hit, probably a better fate than freezing to death without a healthy coat to protect it in the winter or so I'd like to think.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
In a Fog

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Bona and Jazzfest 2010

A perfect evening. A gorgeous nearly-full moon rising, Bona's sweet voice backed up by Tatum Greenblatt on trumpet, Andrew Hunter on trombone, Jean Christophe Maillard on guitar, Etienne Stadwijk on keyboards, Gilmar Gomes on percussion and Ernesto Simpson on drums for an enthusiastic audience of more than 5,000 people.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Back Stoop Redo
So without much enthusiasm I called the contractor. I was fully prepared to have him simply remove the stoop and the walk and leave it at that but he had wonderful ideas about restoring the stoop and using pavers for a new walk. We're figuring out the last details but it's going to happen next month. One little – or not-so-little – thing I can actually affect in the midst of unmanageable chaos. And a chance to play with one of my favorite things: graph paper!

The pavers:

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Slow Going

I don't know if I'm just less patient this year for some reason or if things got off to a fast, early start when the weather warmed sooner than usual and then everything slowed to a crawl when it cooled again. Even the tomato starts et al germinated quickly and then seemed to take forever to put out true leaves.
In the garden I still haven't set up for watering so things have been slow out there during the last few dry weeks. But this week we've been getting rain, lovely rain and things are growing again.
And I can finally do some easy weeding because of course the weeds managed just fine in the dry weather.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
At Least Three
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Back in Business
Red Fife was North America’s preferred bread wheat in the 19th century, fathering many of our modern bread wheat varieties. It disappeared from production with the Great Depression and was re-introduced into Canada a little over decade ago, where it has slowly and steadily drawn an ardent cadre of artisan bakers in both countries. Cold-milled, this new crop hard red wheat produces 100% whole grain bread with profoundly herbaceous and nutty fresh wheat flavors, a moist, satisfying crumb, and a lovely crust with deep, toasty caramel notes. As a whole grain bread flour, Red Fife is unparalleled.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
A New Stone
Late last summer when I tried to remove my old pizza stone from the oven, I ended up with half of it in each hand. Like so many things around here, it was old and getting a replacement turned into such a pain that I just gave up.
The hardest part was finding a stone that fit my shallow oven, one absolutely no deeper than 14 inches. The one I had is no longer made of course, but those I found that were the right size were reviewed with a lot of complaints about breakage in shipping or usage shortly after purchase.
Finally in my most recent effort I stumbled across Breadtopia and their endorsement of FibraMent baking stones. It was pretty much a done deal as soon as I read that FibraMent stones have a ten-year warranty and include a stone for home bakers in a size that fits my oven perfectly.
I only hope I didn't take too many years off my life during the preliminary oven drying of the stone when it off-gased some pretty strange odors.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
A Good Year for the Ramps

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Zinio Rocks
Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm also sittin'. I seem to have hit the trifecta. I'm experiencing a prolonged recovery from a difficult dental implant, wicked seasonal allergies and what is now clearly an upper respiratory infection. At least this morning I feel less stress because I'm not fighting any of it anymore.
It's also less stressful if I stay home alone and away from people. I am no longer able to be civil when people tell me how wonderful this unseasonably warm weather is. IT'S NOT!!!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Bargain Condimento
But it is. Very good. If I go back for another jug I will tell someone about the first. But who knows if they'll have it then. It's a 5 liter jug. I use 150ml for a batch of vinaigrette so that's 33 batches and I use only olive oils for the homegrown salad greens.
Some of which have been sown along with the fava beans, rapa and some radishes. I've been reluctant to plant salad greens this year with the memory of the mess the slugs made of last year's crop still painfully fresh. And the slugs are out there now just waiting for something to sprout.
fava Supersette
cime di rapa Centoventina, Novantina, Toscana
radish Easter Egg
lettuce Johnny's Wildfire Lettuce Mix
Friday, April 2, 2010
Mates for 2010

Black Krim
Pineapple (back by popular demand)
Paragon Livingston (first time, a nod to my Ohio roots)
Jaune Flammé
Costoluto Fiorentino
San Marzano 3
Golden Mama
cherry tomato: Sugar Sweetie, Mirabell, Isis Candy,
Super Snow White, Green Grape, Chocolate Cherry
eggplant: Nadia, Beatrice, Rosa Bianca, Purple Rain
pepper: Islander, California Wonder
Alright then. After a very strange disorienting week, ending with record-breaking warm temps, I have the tomato-eggplant-pepper flat sown. But NO cardoons! I thought I still had seed. Shoot.
update: I knew I had some...
cardoon: Cordo Pieno Inerme
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Guinness Cake
The cake I'm eating this week is the second stab at a recipe attributed to Green & Black's but like the first there's a dense layer at the bottom. I'm beginning to suspect the recipe was meant for a two layer cake instead of one but I'm done experimenting. For now.
Nigella Lawson's recipe, on the other hand, seems foolproof. I used Green & Black's Dutched cocoa but I think the next time I'll use Lindt & Sprügli's Ghiradelli or Hershey's Scharffen Berger for a darker, less reddish color and some additional bitterness.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Helleborus Niger
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Smoked Cherries

To further demonstrate how crazy I am about these cherries, this dish, on Tuesday I dined alone to have it for the second time before I saw "Lookingglass Alice", also alone.
Apparently I'm also currently preoccupied with Alice. Last Friday I did indeed go by myself to see the first showing of 3D "Alice in Wonderland" and enjoyed every minute of it.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Our Turn 2010
Record snowfall yesterday. We got all of the 22.4 inches reported for our area. I shoveled the first half in two passes yesterday until The Mister came home and fired up the old Gravely for the first time this winter to deal with the end of the drive where the DOT plows push the snow. He's out there this morning while I cook oats and prepare to snowshoe out to the feeders.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
More Arthur Miller

It wasn't really about Valentine's Day – it was about being offered a place to stay for a weekend in NYC – so we ended up spending the holiday seeing some very un-Valentine productions: another Arthur Miller play and "Carmen" at the Met.
I have mixed feelings about big-name film actors being used to drum up business for Broadway but there wasn't anything else we really wanted to see. As it turned out it was one of the best things we've ever seen onstage.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
"Broken Embraces"
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Wicked Winter

The moon was glorious last night and with the snow-cover everything was bright as day. The price however was a low this morning of -8º/-22º.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Everything has frozen again this week. The poor geese haven't been able to raft on the lakes at the park the past few nights because the ice isn't thick enough to support them and they would be in danger of getting frozen-in in the areas of open water.
Despite the cold I went out late yesterday and for the first time in a long time, I heard a great horned owl. I lingered hoping to hear a second voice but I think they may be past the courtship phase if this bird is one of a nesting pair.
Being out in the woods at dusk with the first quarter of the wolf moon, the snow and the call of the owl was a perfect antidote to an otherwise miserable week.
Or is the moon waxing gibbous?
Monday, January 18, 2010
January Thaw
Friday, January 15, 2010
Olio Nuovo 2009
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Thank you J.

It's even made of recycled glass.
I'm glad to put up a post that doesn't involve meat. Given the modest amount of meat that we eat it's unsettling to see the previous two posts on my own blog.
It took the better part of an afternoon to hack – and I do mean hack – the damn ham into portions I can cook with beans. I prefer to use smoked hocks without sodium nitrite but I just can't bring myself to throw away all the Virginia ham especially after it made for a very tasty batch of Anasazi beans last week.